Monday, October 8, 2007

If I have to compete academically, this is how I want it to be


Maude said...

sisyphus, this is brilliant! can i please be on your team? i'm a bit out of shape, but i'm working on it. i've got a strong front Fanon, a good side Spivak and Said. I'm working on my Gilroy and Bhabha, so my defense might be a little weak. my Foucault and Derrida suck, but i know with some good coaching and conditioning exercises i could totally be an asset. on the other hand, my Kristeva kicks ass. plus, i've already got some cool soccer shoes and shin guards, so i'm ready to go!

Belle said...

Oh, oh, oh! Can I play? I'm just a historian, and thereby probably disqualified, but I do a great socio-cultural context.

Horace said...

This is Monty Python, right? I seem to remember it in the same breath as "Immanuel Kant was a real piss-ant"

medieval woman said...

My sides hurt from laughing so much! This is pure classic Python...god love 'em!

Earnest English said...

Hey, I want to be on the team too. I've got a pretty good Foucault and a passing Derrida and a good right Levinas. And then there's my secret weapon: the rhetoricians. They're very persuasive.