Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What I did on my Summer Vacation

This last month of it, anyway:

Look upon my archival might and despair, ye weaklings! This doesn't count the boxes of loose stuff cause I couldn't bring in my camera. I love the UC system and its inter-campus interlibrary loan! Anway, I now know everything there is to know about this subject. I compiled everything in it except the thickness of the motherfucking pages.

Too bad that this type of work, while necessary to create an article, doesn't actually get measured and evaluated as work in and of itself... at least not if you don't have a camera and a blog, awww yeah.

Unfortunately, I can't put "read cubic shitloads of very boring contextual stuff" on my CV, not and have it count for anything anyway. So miles to go before I sleep and all that before this turns into something I can send out to a journal. And I really really need to do that before the job market season starts up again so that I can make it visible. At least, visible to the official, rather than the internet, academic world. You all are bowing and quaking in your boots:


Flavia said...

Good for you! This sort of thing does feel good, even if it rarely gets seen or acknowledged.

(And now I'm wondering why I didn't take photos of all the books I just returned to ILL. . .)

P said...

Archival research is THE BEST. And, yes, long live the California university library system!!!

medieval woman said...

You are a goddess!

We're not worthy! We're not worthy!

Susan said...

Oh, I completely adore the UC interlibrary system. When I'm really going strong you can't get into my office :)

Anonymous said...

"Unfortunately, I can't put "read cubic shitloads of very boring contextual stuff" on my CV, not and have it count for anything anyway" = LMAO