Saturday, October 10, 2009

Why, hello there...

Hey, baby, what's happenin?

You want me. I know it.

You are powerless to resist my fuzziness.

It is true. I am too sexxxx-ay for my own good. But, I cannot help it, no?

Sigh. It is so hard being adorable me. Fetch me another treat and I just might let you pet my fuzzy belly.


Phul Devi said...

Must... pet... sexxycat
Must... bury nose in belly...
Must... feed and play with kitteh...

That is all.

Dr. Crazy said...

Why, HELLO, sexykitty!

(And now I must go work on the technology to dispense treats through the computer screen....)

Anonymous said...

I believe in miracles, you sexy thing!

Looks so much like my first cat, Phoebs....

My word verification: FELIX!

medieval woman said...

Such cute fuzziness!

Susan said...

While Dr. C perfects the technology for dispensing treats through the internets, I will perfect that for patting kitties remotely. For this is definitely a kitty that demands attention.

Anonymous said...

Adorable. I love.

P said...


Belle said...

Yes, you handsome beast, I do want you. Must. Resist. Cat. Bellies.