Wednesday, December 1, 2010

End of the Semester

I will not kill my students.
I will not kill my students.
I will not kill my students.
I will not kill my students.
I will not kill my students.
I will not kill my students.
I will not kill my students.
I will not kill my students.
I will not kill my students.
I will not kill my students.
I will not kill my students.
I will not kill my students.

Sigh. I have so many freakin' essays left to grade!

Maybe I could just kill the ones whose essays I haven't graded yet...?


heu mihi said...

I feel you.

And my WV is "uninge," which is a coincidence, because I think that I've become a little uninged myself this week.

Bardiac said...

Well, it would totally solve all future job search hopes and grading despair.

There's something to be said for that.

But as a returned Peace Corps volunteer, I have to say, I much prefer my violence purely on stage.

Fie upon this quiet life! said...

I feel your pain. Wouldn't it be easier if they all plagiarized, and then you could just hand out big, fat Fs all over the place? (Come to think of it, I shouldn't have complained so much about plagiarism! Less to grade!!)

Arbitrista said...

Are you SURE you don't want to kill your students? :)

Sisyphus said...

Arbitrista, don't be a tempter!

It's not so much the grading, more that as they get stressed and tired out they regress and act more and more like high-schoolers, and my squirreliest class is also the last one of the day, when I have already worn down my patience.