Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Visionary Confidant

Click to view my Personality Profile page

Ok, I'm not sure I buy this, as I have never been an INFJ before. Or maybe I have, and just don't remember it ---- my family's the type that thinks it's fun to take these kinds of tests periodically, so I've taken it a lot. In the past, though, I frequently have come out as a INTJ, the strategist, the "natural leader" who leads from the background. (Excellent! my minions shall do my bidding for me as I stand in the shadows.)

But it's cool to have "one of the rarest personality types," to be called a Visionary (!!!!), especially since I would share the type with cool visionary-world-changers like MLK, Nelson Mandela and Mother Teresa ... not to mention Anthony Kiedis of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. So, I will take over the would through peace and justice rather than manipulating vast corporations behind the scenes or commanding armies from some underground bunker. It shall be so.

One thing's for sure, I'm definitely in that "introverted" and "judging" category ---- I think those are always consistent. It's funny that I always pick c) would rather chew my own arm off in the bear trap than make small talk at a party, and yet dissertating all alone for hours every day makes me completely wig out! Heh ........


Horace said...
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Horace said...

D'Oh! I totally left the last comment as if I were reading a different blog...I'll stand by my pronouncement of you as a Visionary Leader, though.

Earnest English said...

I too got a weird reading, but look -- your F is only, what?, 53%. I don't think there were enough questions to really sort that out.

Eddie said...

I'm ISTJ--78% on Judging!

Sisyphus said...

I felt a lot better, Eddie, when I figured out it doesn't mean "judgmental" but "organized" and liking plans and closure, as opposed to just "going with the flow" ... that I can see in myself (I don't want to see "judgmental bitch" even if it is true, so I'll go with their definition.)

Although "good at finishing things" and "quick at tasks" doesn't really sound like me this summer, does it?

Quiche said...

yes, but you are in grad school--and even people who are quite good at finishing things have trouble finishing (one year of) that!