Ahhhh! They're everywhere's! I am infested''' with ' apostrophe's! Noooo! Or, No'o'o'o'o'o'o'''!
Apostrophe's, apostrophes'! --- my students paper's' are crawling with apos'trophes! Ewwww! Get it off get it off get it off!!!!!
I tried shaking''' the papers over some other paper''''s that lacked commas but the a'p'ostroph'es just crawled in deeper and now they' are in my hair! Ahhhh! ' I can feel the rule's for apostrophes' dripping out my brain along with the rules for to and too! I can'''''t beat them off with my S'trunk and White, they are so thick!
Send more red pen's' and alcohol, quick! My brain is melting, melting --- what a world, what a world!
It's incredibly funny to envision you actually feeling this on a somatic level! I suppose this sort of error is even more painful for a lit specialist than it is for me...and I'm already a pain in the ass about punctuation and grammar.
I feel you're pain.
Oh wait, that's a homonym...
I mean, um, Im sorry? Maybe youd better read some Shaw as an antidote?
I live to entertain, guys.
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