So, in an earlier post I promised many future topics for blogging and included wombats, because, frankly, the word is so fun and chewy in your mouth. Wombat. Wombat. Wommm---bat. See? But after everyone had gone home the other night after some drinking (we have a tradition of going back to my place and sobering up by watching Monty Python videos --- you see where my lifelong sense of absurdity has been fostered) I was really not interested in working, as it was 11 pm and I had that great feeling of rightness with the world (“I love you man!”) but not the capability to actually communicate that in sentences on my blog, so I surfed around on the ‘net. In my random internet perambulations, surprisingly, I found photos of wombats (and I was searching for more Victorian mustache illustrations to make fun of too, so it’s quite strange). They are, in truth, quite cute; I had no idea they would live up to the pleasures of their name so wonderfully. So, here are some wombats for those of you who need to take your mind off work and Other Serious Things:

Any requests for posts other than wombats and ranty, annoyed grad school advice? Hum a few bars and I’ll fake it.
I never knew what a wombat looked like! I guess I was thinking like more of a beaver than a pig-bear thing.
Damn. Now that is one cute wombat! I think I posted a picture of a wombat once on my previous Medieval Woman blog. I'll see if I can find it...
Great blog, Sisyphus! Turns out I posted a couple wombat posts last year -- one on Adorno & wombats, another on Dante Gabriel Rossetti.
Adorno and wombats! I have to see this. Next you'll be telling me you have a post on fruit-bats and Lukacs.
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