First of all, writing a dissertation seems scary, if you don't approach it right. It is totally different from the earlier aspects of grad school, which involve taking courses and exams and writing seminar papers --- all of which bear some resemblance to the undergrad or MA experience. But after you pass whatever exam allows you to go ABD (all but dissertation), you are thrown into a situation with very little in the way of deadlines, or markers, or guidance. You might even feel a bit adrift.

Anyway, you think you are at sea, but you've actually weathered the big storm and made it safe to land by the time you are officially ABD:

Note that I didn't say it would be easy after this point. Oh look --- while your advisors aren't here, they left you some helpful tools!
The trick is to just jump right in to work. The longer you wait to start writing, the more daunting and big the whole task becomes. That's where the magic of subheads come in. Dissertation? --- big and scary sounding. Dissertation chapter? --- still big and scary. How long are they supposed to be? I don't know how to write one! But, by this point you are an old hand at taking seminars and writing seminar papers, right? If you break up your chapters by three or four (or maybe even five, depending on the lengths you want) subheads, then you can think of one as being just like writing a seminar paper --- you can handle a little ol' 15-pager, right?
Don't even think about the whole diss or other chapters or the other subsections at the moment --- just pick up your main text for the chapter and start bashing out some close reading. One friend took almost a year to start writing. "Why don't you just start freewriting on Major Text?" I asked. "Find some patterns and start writing about why MT interests you in relation to ---- what is it, the sublime?" "But I need to know everything about the MT and the concept of the sublime before I know what my argument is," replied the friend. "No, no ---- write up a bad seminar paper ---- even five pages. Then start making a list of what specific things you need to prove your argument and what things you will be expected to be familiar with in your footnotes. After you get about 6 or so things on your to-do list, start getting them and mixing them in (don't make the to-do list so long that you paralyze yourself though)."
Of course, you won't keep that first freewrite. (I didn't tell my friend that) It will disappear at some point of the revisions. It's just that knowing you have already started and have some pages is a great motivator and helps break you out of paralysis. Just keep focused on the little, small, do-able tasks, one foot in front of the other. And before long you are a paragon of industriousness:

I can't update a word count quite yet but the section for Subhead 1 is coming right along!
This is very, very, very good advice. Metaphors and all. I especially like the blinders metaphor.
I read a published book--single author--that consisted of some 60 mini-essays of 3-4 pages each.
"auntish"? "auntular"?
Is that Robinson Crusoe in the illustrations? How exactly did he acquire an umbrella? Inquiring minds want to know!
Oh yeah, and ... good advice. One other thing that really helped me was writing parts of the diss as a series of conference papers -- it forced me to have deadlines, and if you're me, Deadlines Are Good.
Excellent advice. I didn't think of subheads (I just had short, 30-page-ish chapters), but that's a great idea. It reminds me of the advice that got me to start writing: I'd been talking to a recent Ph.D. friend about my project, and what I should do first, and how to get started, etc., and he said, "Just start writing it tomorrow." And I did.
Not that I kept up a steady stream of pages, or anything--it was another 2.5 years until graduation--but writing that first chapter made a *huge* difference in my perception of the feasibility of the project.
Those illustrations are great, btw.
ditto to all of the above.
and ha! you really did go eat some chips and salsa!! they sounded yummy.
Double ditto. I love the illustrations, as they render visual my entire scholarly writing process. Even post-diss, post-tenure, everything.
I tag you with the 7 meme. Something easy to write!
oh, yeah, i tagged you, too.
Is that Robinson Crusoe in the illustrations? How exactly did he acquire an umbrella? Inquiring minds want to know!
Fretful, of course that is Robinson Crusoe there! There is even a big part in the book about him struggling to come up with an "ingenious contraption" (or some such phrase) that would allow him to open and close an umbrella.
Being a good little proto-capitalist and model for the middle class he recreated a whole city and all of civilization on his island.
One other thing that really helped me was writing parts of the diss as a series of conference papers -- it forced me to have deadlines, and if you're me, Deadlines Are Good.
I have a friend who did exactly this and it was great for finishing her dissertation, so I second the advice. However, I get really worked up over deadlines, and over flying/traveling, so I've learned that I pretty much need a draft of whatever at the time I apply for the conference or I spiral down into paralysis and then am _really_ sick and freaked-out on the plane, with an unfinished paper in my bag. So YMMV.
--it was another 2.5 years until graduation--
music to my ears, though I should never wish dissertational suffering on another human being.
And what's up with the tagging dogpile, people?
Clearly, I need to read Robinson Crusoe one of these days. It sounds amusing.
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