Monday, April 20, 2009

MMAP Update April 20: Inappropriate Cat Love Edition

I don't know why my cats have decided to treat me like their long-lost mother today ---- both are stretched out across my lap right now ---- but it is over 90 degrees (still) in here and today was nothing but hot and sticky and nasty. I do not need 15 pounds times two of hot breathing fur coat on my lap, not today. But I am afraid to actually knock them off my lap because of a funny incident that happened this weekend.

You see, I don't play sports. I am completely uncoordinated. I suck at soccer. And yet, on Saturday, as I was walking into the kitchen and Timido was harassing me (see my pic of Timido hiding behind the theory books), I stepped on him a little and he jumped and swerved, so I swerved to let him go by me, and he swerved again. I ended up juggling his little skull off my shins --- tpok, tpok! went his head like it was hollow --- one after the other, as if I were a soccer champion in some weird alternate game universe that used a living ball. Seriously I would never be able to do that even once if I tried. It was very unfortunate, and he ran off terrified when he was finally able to get around me. I apologized, but now he has taken to running and hiding from me the way he does from visitors and my family when they stop by. So since he is actually hanging out with me, I want to encourage that rather than abject fear, even if it does feel as if I'm being smothered.

Unless the cats know exactly how hot and uncomfortable I am and this is their diabolical plan for revenge? Huh.

MMAP work: one hour rewriting the central paragraph of the old essay up from nothing. Old paragraph: totally gone. New paragraph: done, but will need to be reviewed tomorrow to make sure it is not in some weird secret language that made sense only today.


* said...

"will need to be reviewed tomorrow to make sure it is not in some weird secret language that made sense only today" = brilliant! Love it.

Susan said...

I only write that weird secret language when I am in the throes of inspiration, usually 3 AM.

Belle said...

Of course it was kitty revenge! And they might well be one of the sources of the secret language; cats can do darned near anything!

medieval woman said...

Aw - Timido soccer ball! Good thing it sounded hollow - my cats' heads are hollow for buoyancy and treat storage when needed...