Remember how I bought that green dress and decided it needed big chunky "statement" jewelry? Well, a long time ago one of my roommates handed off some bracelets she didn't want, and one of those was what I had in mind. Yet I kept going through my jewelry box over and over and just couldn't find it. Ah well, I thought. Maybe this means I could go out and buy some new thing, like a big heavy brass cuff or bangle. Something big and geometric just seems right.
So the other day I opened another box and ta da! There was this bracelet I couldn't find. Yay! Except when I went to touch it, it fell apart. Look:

Does anyone know if it is possible to re-string these sort of stretchy elastic bracelets? I am sad ---- I really like the strong geometric type jewelry, not really being much of a flowers-and-hearts person.
Also, and this is really more of a note to myself than a public statement, I need to get some sort of better storage container for my necklaces --- one that lets them stretch out straight rather than coil up all in balls and get tangled with each other. At one point, I was hanging them from thumbtacks on the wall, which actually works really well both for anti-tangling and to remind you of what all you have, but clearly this is not feasible with cats. Must fix the situation soon. I've been saying that for, what, four years now?
I will get around to updating on my research progress and my getting up early progress soon, along with providing some pictures, but I have other stuff occupying my time right now. Will get back to you later. Maybe you-all can sweeten the pot by posting something fun and interesting of your own? *hopeful grin*
Yes, you can restring. A craft store should have the elastic string and a long thin needle you can use if the holes are small.
You could also you a wire thread and add spacers between the pieces and a clasp.
and restringing is easy, so don't freak. And there are some great organization/display options for your jewelry. Take a wooden picture frame, stretch some window screening across the back part & staple that into place. You now have a storage solution for your earrings (I have almost 100 pair, & I can see all of 'em). Then take small cup hooks, and put those into the side and bottom parts of the frame itself - you can then hang your bracelets & necklaces from the hooks. And for future moves - these things are super easy to move, pack and then repaint to go with changes in decorating!
If there's a bead store nearby, I bet they would be happy to help you reconstruct. It is a wicked cool bracelet!!
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