Well I haven't been completely too busy, but I have not been posting. And about a week ago I started coming down with a cold --- or maybe something worse, because it was accompanied by chills and a fever and my neck hurts about where lymph nodes should exist, I think. It has been weird because this is like the first time I have noticed heat/achiness wash over me and then go away again. I have been complaining about wanting to not feel like this any more and then boom! got my period. Yup, now I feel different, and way worse! And not sure I can mix those medicines.
I have been coming home and sleeping on the couch from 5 to about 9 or so, eating some dinner, chugging insane amounts of orange juice (btw, I need to get a third bottle for this week as I'm out again), and heading downstairs to bed. I would think after a few days of this I would be fine again, but no.
On the brighter side, I am done with classes! Yay! I got big huge stacks of research papers and even have graded some. I have the grades mostly wrapped up and once I do these with the last peer reviews I will only have the finals. Those are Wed and Thurs. Then I will start dealing with Christmas stuff and a long list of stuff I didn't get around to during the semester, and then I will work on tweaking my classes so they are more successful and less frustrating this time around. (I am teaching the same 2 courses.) The tweaking would be more successful if I hadn't stopped updating my "do this differently next time" file when the workload went crazy. Unfortunately that was probably also the time I was least prepped and had the most problems. I'm sure I will be asking you all about it, looking for that magic bullet.
Until then, I toast you with a kleenex and the last little bit of orange juice --- salud!
Poor Sisyphus! Get yourself some EmergenC too; fewer calories than all that orange juice, lots of good stuff. And it might help.
Good thing you have cats to keep you warm!
It may well be a placebo, but I'm fond of taking 500mg of ester-C daily as a preventive measure. It might help you heal a little faster than OJ, too, since the pill will time-release the vitamin slower than the juice will. Basically, you can end up urinating out the Vitamin C from OJ without ever getting the nutritional benefit.
Feel better!
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