Anybody have about five hundred bucks and wants to spot me these Frye boots over at Zappos? Damn.
It's sad when you have your heart set on some tenure boots and you haven't even gotten a *job* yet. Alas. I shall just go and pine over their unattainable awesomeness. Droool...
Holy god, those boots are gorgeous. I just figured out they'd cost about a grand in my local currency. But I still waaaant them!!
Sisyphus, dear, do you have a direct line to my brain? Or to the part of my brain that does the shoe-processing?
I have been coveting those for months. What size are you? Perhaps we could arrange some sort of transcontinental joint-custody thing. If we get one or two more people involved, and find someone to sponsor the cost of postage, we could maybe even afford it. What say?
Oh, sigh.
gorgeous! and tenure schmenure boots--these should be first paycheck after a successful job season boots! i'll keep my fingers crossed!
I wish I could pull those off, but alas my genetically-unfortunate body type would not wear those well.
I *love* the idea of a "tenure boots." It took me two years of being on the tenure-track before I let myself buy new boots.
Hmmm, co-op boots, interesting ... kinda like that designer handbag club they wrote about in the NYT a while back. Except that those women all sounded like elitist obnoxious shits and we would never want to be seen like that. Or to have handbags that cost 15K.
Maude, these definitely cannot be first paycheck boots because I have already decided the first paycheck is going towards a bureau with drawers that don't have bottoms that fall out whenever you open them! Ooh, or a couch without $%@$#%) slipcovers! Couch or drawers, couch or drawers, hmm. Ooh, I might have to make out a schedule prioritizing *all* my future paychecks!
pocha, what do you mean genetically unfortunate body type? Were you born without legs?
Oh wait, now that sounds horribly able-ist and mean about disabilities. Oops. I myself am very short with wide, stumpy legs, so I don't know if I would even look good with those boots. Basically I just have the picture there so I can drool over it more conveniently, like how in "My Last Duchess" the Duke preferred the image of his wife to the imperfect reality.
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